Tuesday, February 12, 2008

One Quick Voting Request

A friend from high school was picked as one of the top ten finalists to sing the jingle for Bonnell's Collision. Her name is Mary Jo Titus, and she has a beautiful voice. That little jingle doesn't do any justice for the real talent she has, but I'd still like you guys to help her out and vote!

If you click here, you'll be directed to the page where you can vote. The poll is on the left, but you can also watch the video if you so desire. You can vote once per day per computer (or vote once on Firefox and once on IE on the same computer each day).

This girl really deserves to win. She was the only one that supported me for Erie Idol the first year since none of my family or friends bothered to come. Neither of us made it onto the next round (which we figured out how it was weighted by the number of people that came to see you, so we didn't stand a chance), but it helped having her there to hang out with.

So anyway, vote, vote, vote! She'd appreciate it! Plus, the girl in the lead (pardon me) isn't very good...

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