Sunday, December 16, 2007

Why I Hate Erie

For all the time I was stranded on Peach Street this afternoon, spinning my wheels, you would think I would have seen at least one plow go by. Absolutely not. I watched at least 100 cars sliding and about 50-75 being pushed up the hill on Peach around Miller Avenue. If it's this bad tomorrow, I don't know how I'm going to make it to work in one piece. For crying out loud, PennDOT, do your job! They've been calling for this and gave you ample warning. Besides, it's December! In Erie!
If there's 10 feet of snow on the main roads when I go into work tomorrow morning, I blame you. Oh, and I blame you for the messed up, front, right axle I now have. Driving under 5 miles an hour shouldn't have caused that. Ok, I really just needed someone/something to blame besides the snow for that one, and it seemed appropriate¹.

¹To avoid anymore incidents, it should really be said that, one; I'm sarcastic by nature and don't actually blame PennDOT for the bang-up job on my car, and two; I'm not the only person in Erie who complains about the lack of plowing! Don't single me out as if I'm the town heretic because I'm speaking out about this. I can guarantee that no matter how long people have lived in Erie, how many snow tires they've purchased, or how many times they've driven in the snow, they wish the plowing services were more consistent and/or just taken care of. Don't jump on me because I'm saying what I can safely say 85% of Erie residents--at least--are thinking. Chill and accept it for what it is. I'll chill and move on, as well, as I always do.


Anonymous said...

Ever hear of snow tires? You do live in Erie. I have snow tires, no problem going up Peach for me.

Anonymous said...

Peach Street! In Erie! By Miller Avenue! I hate to break your spirit, my friend, but the City of Erie is responsible for plowing that part of Peach Street!

(By the way, I agree with the above anonymous poster, buy some decent snow tires! Studs! It's Erie in December....quit complaining!)

Rachel said...

Ouch! Well, I guess venting is not an option on a blog anymore without harsh criticism.
Yes, I have heard of snow tires, but I've also heard of plowing though don't see much of it. Snow tires will get you so far.

PennDOT employees (or employee as I can quickly assume that both posts could be by the same person), I take it? I'm not trying to give heat here, but I'm not the only one who complains about the roads.

Making me sound like I'm the oddball out because I had trouble getting up Peach Street late in the afternoon and evening is an understatement as I watched 98% of the people in that area struggling to make it up. Yes, I know it's Erie. Yes, I know it's December. Yes, I know there's tons of snow and the roads are going to be crappy. All I'm wondering is why 48 hours or more after we get a huge snowfall we still have completely snow-covered roads that don't look as if a plow has even touched them. Is it so wrong to complain about that?

By the way, the whole blaming PennDOT for my messed up axle was my sarcasm. I'm not sure if you read my blogs, but I'm assuming you don't and only caught this one. You're hiding behind the security of "Anonymous" and say whatever you like. Doesn't take much courage to do that. Might want to chill out and catch on to more of my personality in my blogs before you write comments like that.

Emma said...

Snow tires? Bah. I've lived in Erie all my life (with the exception of college) and I've never had snow tires. I've been able to get around fine with all-weathers and front wheel drive.

The streets get crappy sometimes...this too shall pass.

Emma said...

Oh...and yes, sometimes the plowing services we receive suck, too.

Rachel said...

I always look forward to summers in Erie, Emma. LoL. But snow tires are a waste. All-weathers are the way to go.

Scott Kahler said...

Extra Tires and rims are expensive. I agree.

Tam said...

Funny, I hate Erie for the connection to Maria "Do you know who I am" Sansone. But maybe that's just me.

I did great on Peach with my 1 year old tires tonight around 7 pm. The plows weren't out. Even if they were, there was a lot of blowing and snow drifts so why would it have mattered? I think they like to get 90 and 79 squared away first.

Sorry about your car. Didn't you just get that damn thing fixed?

Rachel said...

I guess it was at its worst around 3:30 until about 5:00. I had been driving around in it all afternoon and didn't have a problem until then. Once more snow piled up, it wasn't as slick, but a plow still hadn't touched most of Peach by 9/9:30 last night.

Granted. my tires are more than a year old, but they still have a lot of tread in them. And yes, I did just get my car fixed technically. I had a flat tire on Thanksgiving on the front, driver's side. Now my front, passenger's side is screwed up 'cause I slid into a curb on 28th and Ash. I had slowed down way in advance for the red light, and still couldn't stop. I just kept sliding right at a mile an hour and gave the curb a good smack. Now it squeals. Ticks me off....

Ron said...

In response to Mr/Ms Anonymous telling Rachel to get studded snow tires - They're not really necessary. I bought a set of regular snow tires and I haven't had a problem yet. Snow tires don't automagically glue you to the road - Even the best studded snows will put you into a ditch if you don't drive carefully. I've seen plenty of SUVs in the ditch with studded snow tires, because people think that 4 wheel drive + studded snows = OMG INVINCIBLE!

And people will never quit complaining about snow. Get used to it dude/dudette. If someone smacked you in the face every morning for 4 months when you left your house, you'd probably get used to it - But I'm sure it would piss you off at some point.

Ron said...

As an an addendum; You know those ruts you see in the paved roads? Studded snow tires don't help that situation much.

I swear one day I'm going to see some dude with freakin' chains on his tires driving down 12th.

Anonymous said...

Last night I was a passenger in a heavy duty wrecker, responsible for getting big tractor trailers unstuck when there's too much snow.

In the wrecker, we almost got stuck.

Yes, it's Erie. We should be used to it by now. but there was three-four feet of snow on I-90. Not acceptable.