Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Rifftrax to Russian

I apologize in advance for jumping from kick to kick lately. First it was Rifftrax, and now I'm on an everything-Russian kind of kick. I've been wanting to head out to the store to buy some Dostoevsky novels, some Vitas or Alsou CDs, and take a bunch of Russian courses all at one time.

Obviously, I can't do all that, so I manage with what I have. Although, I have to admit it's a little frustrating because I'm stuck using the resources I have in order to learn the language because I can't afford to take classes at some places, and they don't offer them elsewhere. Not that Rosetta Stone has been at all bad to me [I didn't realize how much of a working knowledge I really had until I started this program], but I wish I could learn with other people. Honestly, I don't think there are a lot of Russian language students in the Erie area. If there are, I'd like to meet some.

Anyone have any suggestions of self-help minus the sole responsibility of learning on my own? I need someone or something to kick me in the butt and to help me learn a little better. It's getting tough, but I have the drive. Somehow I don't think it's enough.


Anonymous said...

Hi,I am here to invite you to my 1000 New Made Technorati Friends Avatar Club list,within you can find a huge list of already tagged technorati users and joining the list is simple, fave me and leave me a comment with your fave link and i will fave you back with your avatar in this list!

Tam said...

Finally! A huge list of already tagged technorati users!

Good luck on your Russian adventures. Watch out for ole' iron thighs.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel. I'm in Erie, and I'm learning Russian. шерил

Rachel said...

More hot lists to be on...maybe I'm burning bridges by not doing this, but oh, well.

I heard Iron Thighs is Russian. Actually, no, I didn't. I made that up.

Oh, wow! A Russian student in Erie! I never thought I'd find one. Awesome. :) Привет! Как дела? Где Вы изучаете русский язык в?

This is so cool. :)