Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ah, Crap...

Well, I really have no new news along the lines of a job. I did go to another temp agency on Friday morning where they insisted on administering 10,000 tests to me. [By the way, I scored higher on the advanced questions of Microsoft Word 2000 than the basic knowledge. The woman that interviewed me said I was the first she ever encountered with scores like that. Hmmm...] They also offered me a job opportunity in McKean, which I hope I'll get called in to interview for. We'll see.

Since that's about all I have to update you on, let me just talk about something that annoys me even more than my job and the absolutely ludicrous customers that come in, and that is none other than porta potties. Didn't think I was gonna go there, did you? Well, I suppose the picture should have been a good indication.

I had to use a number of these while we were on our trip out west. It's never an enjoyable experience for anyone (unless you're into feces, disease, and things of the sort). Nothing annoys me more with these than when there's a brisk breeze blowing up through the hole. Am I the only one that has a hard time using the toilet when your behind is being fanned off? Is there any way they can get some air control installed in these? I suppose I shouldn't expect luxury in such a facility.

Not only that, but it's a hole in the ground. What if I drop something by accident in there? How in the heck am I supposed to get it out? At least if it's a regular toilet, you can suck it up and remove your item from the bowl (hopefully, you've dropped it before utilizing the can). Otherwise, you'd better have a fishing pole and bait in tow.
Oh, and complimentary toilet covers, soap, water, and air fresheners would be greatly appreciated. No one wants to smell the stank when they enter the box after Diarrhea Man...and he's always there and using the pot before me. It's especially bad when it's Explosive Saturday.

Convenience? Ha. Enter at your own risk.


Anonymous said...


Stephanie said...

The toilets at Rocky Moutain National Park are literally holes in the ground. You sit on a toilet but it goes thousands of feet down (ie: no flush) and it's COLD AIR blowing up from that hole.

BTW: That's one of the nicest portapotties I've ever seen. "Explosive Saturday" = LOL.