Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Cut the Wires

I find it really interesting that in today's world we're so connected with people over the Internet thanks to sites like MySpace and Facebook that we lose touch with the reality outside of the cables and phone lines. I've been able to find so many people from my past using the aforementioned tools, but I can't say it has produced any physical contact with 95% of those people. Don't get me wrong: I think they're great sites for that purpose, but I could spend all my time typing comments on their pages and never once speak to them on the phone or have lunch with them.

That's why I'm glad I started up a blog once again. While it's still a way to connect with people in a similar (or almost identical) way as MySpace and Facebook, I still get to interact with most of these people in a physical sense. Thanks to the initiation of the Erie blogger meetups, I've been able to get to know some really cool bloggers that I'd been reading for a few years but never knew on a personal level. In fact, I've become really good friends with a couple, and we've been hanging out quite frequently.

I had such a dry period where my whole life revolved around checking my e-mail and comments when I came home from work. That was my sole way of connecting with the outside world. My husband could probably still say I spend way too much time on the computer (I couldn't disagree), but I've been able to get out more with people. It's a completely different feeling when you're hanging out with those who blog than those who don't. I can't explain the difference too well, but you know if you're in that position.

Where YouTube has begun conventions with their vloggers and those who subscribe, I think Blogger, Wordpress, and any others (including dot-coms) should follow. I think it'd be a great way for people who share the same interests in writing to get together and leave the keyboards behind. I'd love to meet some new people, find new blogs, and make some friends.
I find people, in general, to be really interesting, so it would be good to meet someone from a different part of the country or world. I'm just not sure where to start.


Ron said...

You may cut the wires, but I will never give up my precious Warcraft 3!

Rachel said...

LoL. Well, as long as no one takes away my "Guild Wars" or "Battlefront II", I'll be fine, as well.