Sunday, April 15, 2007

Response to Mike

This is really in response to Mike's blog from yesterday.  He had an interesting entry on how men treat women these days in relationships (and vice versa to some extent).  He made a mention of the relationship my husband and I have and how we should set an example for other couples out there.  Not to toot our horn(s) or anything, but we do have a really good connection, and it's not platonic or based on the physical things.  Plus, we never treat eachother like garbage.  I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me in the past with ex-boyfriends, and it's really shaped who I am and how I react to things today.

I had a couple boyfriends who just enjoyed terrorizing what used to be my self-esteem and self-confidence and put faithfulness on the back burner to supplying their personal wants.  One thought it was alright to start dating a girl he met while working at Judson Baptist Camp without at least having the decency to break up with me first.  I had a feeling something was wrong the last week or so of our relationship, so I even sent out my own aunt to spy on him at the camp.  What I'd heard back was none too desirable to hear.

When he did actually break up with me (over the phone, mind you; even though I saw him in person that same day), it wasn't a very apologetic tone.  He said it so matter-of-fact-like that I still don't believe that he cried about it that whole weekend.  I highly doubt he even cared about me that entire relationship.

Another boyfriend I had was keen on checking girls out wherever we went.  He wasn't shy about telling me how hot the girl at Giant Eagle was and after giving him a look, he responds, "Well, you're good too."  Thanks for the vote of confidence.  When he broke up with me, he told me he had some things he needed to figure out with his career.  What I found out later was that he really just wanted a new girl and/or casual sex. 

I was the "pristine" girl who never gave it up to a guy.  Maybe that was my downfall; maybe not.  Whatever the case, I'm glad I didn't and saved that for my husband.  However, both these guys knocked down my self-esteem and self-worth, and I've been struggling to build these back up.  I don't know if they understand the effect they had on me, but I should hope they never repeat that in another relationship.

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