Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Not Another Gaming Post...

Ok, you non-gamers out there are probably going to get sick of my posts about Kingdom Hearts if you're not already, but I'm going to do one last post (for the moment), so try to bear with me.
I'm thinking of my birthday present (mark June 30th on your calendars). I'm going to be like Ralphie from A Christmas Story and do some incessant bugging to try to get my "mits" on a collectible item. Since I'm on a Kingdom Hearts kick now, I've been really wanting to get both Japanese versions of each KH game. Actually, I've been pining for these for a couple years now, but it's been more pressing the past couple days. One is Kingdom Hearts Final Mix and the other (which just came out) is Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix +. I can wait on the latter since it costs over $60 $70 (if you count the shipping) at the moment. The first one is going for around $35 plus shipping.

I don't necessarily want to play these games even though the content is slightly different from the US versions. I need a Japanese chip put in my PS2 to play them anyway. I just want to keep them in wrapping and maybe someday they'll be worth something. Perhaps I can be like those crazy Star Wars fanatics who have all the old collectibles that have been long gone from toy shelves and homes for 30 years. Actually, I'd prefer not to be so introverted and creepy. On top of that, I would have absolutely no social life. I suppose I should state the difference between that scenario and the one I'm in...but I can't.
I digress...

They're currently selling it on Play-Asia(dot)Com. I feel like a kid in a candy store on that site. It's amazing how many goodies they have on there. My husband is going to be the unfortunate receiver of all the nagging. God bless him.


Anonymous said...

It's okay. I'm used to the nagging. ;) lol

Rachel said...

So can I have it? Can I? Can I? Oh, please, oh, please, oh, please?!? *bawl* ;)

MJ said...

Get both, take screenshots, and SHOW USSSSSSSSSSS!

Rachel said...

Are you gonna buy both of them for me? LoL. I certainly can't afford both, which means my husband can't either. Hehe.