Friday, May 25, 2007

This Is Getting Old

I just got done posting last week about my bout with bad allergies. This is just a never-ending cycle for me right now. Just as I started feeling near 100%, I got kicked in the butt yet again.

Jon and I went on a double date with Tam and Matt Wednesday night to Outback, and then we saw Night At the Museum at the dollar theater. During the movie, my throat was starting to get a little dry, but I just pushed it aside, assuming it was just the air in the theater. However, yesterday morning, I woke up to a somewhat sore throat. It wasn't so much that my throat itself was sore, but the muscles in my neck and around my ears hurt whenever I swallowed. I knew it had to be because of my post nasal drip on account of my being sick last week.

I took some aspirin and went work, and I was feeling alright until around 1:00, and I just started going downhill. My head was beginning to hurt, and all my muscles were aching. I felt like I was getting a fever, and the problem with my throat was gradually getting worse. I didn't think I was going to be able to make it until my shift ended at 7:00, so I waited until my coworker, Sue, took her lunch, and then I left at around 3:00.

When I came home, I took some Benadryl in hopes that it would do something for me (usually that knocks me out cold). It didn't seem to be helping because I couldn't even sleep for the next five hours that I was lying down. My body just ached all over. It didn't help that I had gone to the Y the night before, so my chest, shoulders, and arms were sore already. I felt like I was getting a fever, but sometimes I have false alarms, but I decided to take my temperature anyway. It was a brisk 102.4. It makes it even worse that it was so warm out, so I was sweating like crazy. I'm still a little overheated today, as well.

I called in sick to work this morning because there was no way I was going to make it. I was hoping our store manager wouldn't be there because I didn't want to have to explain myself on the phone. My voice should have been enough indication that I needed to stay home. I barely squeaked out that I wasn't going to be into work. Thankfully, it was our third key, Becky, who I spoke with.
I'm just hoping that I'll be better by tomorrow because I can't call in sick at all during a holiday week or else I don't get paid for the holiday. Thankfully, I'll only have to work Saturday, and then I'll have Sunday off to give me an extra day of recovery. I'll just drug myself up with plenty of Tylenol (or aspirin) and possibly Benadryl.


Tam said...

Please feel better soon. And get some rest. Ugh!

Rachel said...

I'm trying. My entire night was spent watching Jerry Springer, Blind Date, some televangelist show, and Tyra. My remote isn't operating, and I was too sore and dead to get up and change the channel from the television.

ron said...

get well soon! if it makes you feel any better, my eyes are all red and my right nostril is starting to drip snot. i do have my glasses on though, because i know you girls like that.

Anonymous said...

I'll make sure you get better quickly. =D *big hug*

Rachel said...

Let's see...mmmm, nope. Didn't work, ron. I still feel like crap. I appreciate you trying to help. ;)
I hope you feel better. Sounds like you've got allergies again. Oh, and the Clark Kent look is a major turn-on for the ladies. That's you. ;)

Rachel said...

Thank you, sweetie. :) You're too good to me. I love you! :D