Tuesday, May 29, 2007

And A Belated Memorial Day To You Too

I know it's been a couple days since I last blogged, and these sabbaticals are becoming more frequent, but I haven't had much to write other than the fact that I've been horribly sick the past few days. It causes one to slow down every part of the body, including the brain. Actually, that's the first thing to go out the window after the protruding parts of my body cease operation. I'm supposed to be going to Rack & Roll on Friday night and possibly sing. I hate to burst anyone's bubbles, but even today, I still can barely talk without losing my voice within five seconds. I don't forsee myself singing a song in three days. It always takes about a week after being sick for my voice to come to. I know from experience, unfortunately.

Anyway, I hope everyone was able to enjoy their Memorial Day. While you all were having hot dogs, hamburgers, and/or whatever else you ate, I was stuck at work for 8 1/2 hours of the day with nothing more to do than check the sales and e-mail on the computer every five minutes as if there would be some drastic change. On top of that, I felt like crap from being sick.
I failed to see the sense of us being open 10-7 on Memorial Day. Who shops at Burlington on a "picnic day"? The only places that should be allowed to be open are strictly grocery stores, convenience stores, and any other type of store that helps you get your picnic on and bumpin' wild...or something.

So who was buying furniture in Baby Depot on Memorial Day? Only one person, but he was in a group of three. He was a middle-aged Pakistani, and he bought a crib. Of course. What American would put buying baby furniture above raising his/her cholesterol? Come on, we're not that foolish. We have our priorities in check.
How did all of you spend your Memorial Day? I hope you at least enjoyed the weather for me.

1 comment:

Randy Maness said...

I wish I could afford furniture. lol

i ate some instant macaroni for dinner, so much for hotdogs and hamburgers. I spent most of the morning at the cemetery. I should have took pictures of the little flags. My camera phone is crap though anyway.
Well I hope you are feeling better :)